Thursday, October 22

The Note Card Series, Part 3

(Today is day 3 of the Note Card Series)

Today's Category
Your English name is what?!

I don't think this category needs much of an explanation.  On to the finalists!


English Name: "Killy"

Bold, but intimidating.  I don't know if I could date a girl named Killy, although perhaps we could be professional acquaintences.  

It was a few days before I figured out she must have meant "Kelly".  I think I like Killy better.

Name:  "Yang Zhuofu"
English name: "Mr. Yang"

10 points for ingenuity, but I don't think I'm going to be calling you "Mr. Yang" all semester, sorry.

English Name:  "Shardow"

"Hello Jackson!  My Chinese name is Yan Yu, and my English name is Shardow.  I'm very like the moonlight shardow, and I know there is a song which name is ‹‹Moon-Light Shardow››  I want to learn English well, to make myself speak English well."
Wow, with a well reasoned argument like that, how can I not let her keep the name "Shardow"?  Although, I wonder in what ways she is actually like the moonlight shardow.

English Name:  "Yoko"

At least we can all agree that this name is not Chinese.  'A' for effort.

**Bonus Points**
+1 for using the word "English" five times in four sentences.

#6  Co-Award:  Good friends "Fly" and "Air".
**Bonus Geek Points**
Questions: "Do you know 'Warth of the Lich King'?"

These two are pretty much exactly like their cards sound.


English name:  "Super Man"

This guy has since chosen a new name, but I still call him "Superman".  Wouldn't you?


English Name:  "Dar  Drap" 

Wow, it's a good thing you changed that.  You almost called yourself "Darp".  That would have been silly.

English Name:  "Beautiful"

Well, now, someone has a high opinion of themselves.


English Name: " 'Camus "

What?  'Camus??  Did you just pick random English letters and put them together?  And what about that apostrophe?  How do you even say this name??  Ridiculous.

And Finally, Coming in at #1:

 Possibly my favorite card in all of my classes.  It's just so unobtrusive.

"My English name is Toothpick."



Emily said...
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Emily said...

oops. What I said was, these are fast becoming my favorite people ever.

Ali said...

maybe 'Camus is going for bonus philosopher points?

Kris said...

I taught in Xuchang back in 2007 and I also had a student named Superman. But that student was female. And refused to change her name when I suggested it.

Anonymous said...

Camus is a band member's name from a Japanese comic, Death Metal City.

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